My son, Austin, and myself back in 2002.
Today, my oldest child turned 14 years old. I look back over the years and it is so hard to believe that he is almost grown. It seems like only yesterday when he was just a little baby and depended on me completely for everything that he wanted or needed. Now he is so independent and it seems like the times that he needs me for anything are few and far between. But I am so proud of him and of the young man that he has become. The journey here has been hard at times, but for the most part it has been amazing and I wouldn't trade a minute with him for anything.
My son's name is Austin and he was born just a few months after my eighteenth birthday. In some ways, I feel like he and I have grown up together. Although I know that many people have their children even younger than I was, believe me when I tell you that I was in no way ready for a child. I was so immature and so self-absorbed at this age. I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me.
But, somehow, we managed (both of us alive) and we now share a bond that is beyond words. He has taught me more about myself and about life in general, than anything or anyone could ever have done. I am so blessed to have him as my son. I anticipate the future with great hope and joy knowing that he will have a great impact on the world in some way. He has been able to overcome many struggles in his short life, including growing up with a very young mother, living with his granny for a while, having his dad to leave when he was very small, becoming a step-child after a few years and living with autism. But through all this, he has maintained the most humble, loving, generous and selfless attitude. He has a great story to share with the world and many dreams to fulfill and I will be behind him all the way.
So Happy Birthday to my awesome son, Austin. I love you to the moon and back.